Zinc Sulphate

Zinc sulfate is an inorganic compound. It is used as a dietary supplement to treat zinc deficiency and to prevent the condition in those at high risk.[3] Side effects of excess supplementation may include abdominal painvomitingheadache, and tiredness.[4]

The most common form includes water of crystallization as the heptahydrate,[5] with the formula ZnSO4•7H2O. It was historically known as “white vitriol“. Zinc sulfate and its hydrates are colourless solids.



As a mineral, ZnSO4•7H2O is known as goslarite. Zinc sulfate occurs as several other minor minerals, such as zincmelanterite, (Zn,Cu,Fe)SO4•7H2O (structurally different from goslarite). Lower hydrates of zinc sulfate are rarely found in nature: (Zn,Fe)SO4•6H2O (bianchite), (Zn,Mg)SO4•4H2O (boyleite), and (Zn,Mn)SO4•H2O (gunningite).



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